Former director of Kimberley Land Council turns tails

Wayne Bergmann, former director of Kimberley Land Council7th September – Ironically, last week the former Director of KLC (Kimberley Land Council), Wayne Bergmann who was the aboriginal champion of the gas hub, has changed his position and has called on Tony Burke, the Federal Environment Minister, to not approve the project. He states that his reasons are that there are no plans in place to deal with the social impact. The impact is already being felt as the social fabric of this once layback town, is being ripped apart.

Further, in a statement to the hub’s joint venture partners, Australian Greens Senator, Rachel Siewert, asked them to reassess their involvement in the project. Cables released by Wikileaks indicated there was Government pressure on them to accept Woodside’s choice of a development site at James Price Point. These cables have cast increasing doubt over the legitimacy of the development.

ALSO .. Another lock-on! Sources from the blockade reveal a man by the name of Roly, was locked on at 3pm today, to a drill rig similar to the one that Gas Hub protester, Marion Lester was locked onto last week. Police have warned people to stay away or be arrested.