Weird Creatures of the Kimberley
This is the beginning of my collection of the strange and weird creatures that inhabit this part of the planet! Check out the hairy caterpillar, yellow shield bug and her beautiful pink eggs, and the weird creature, Eurycnema-goliath!
This is a baby Stimsons Python eating an already dead baby mouse. Please dont watch it if your softhearted but it is a gruesomely fascinating!
hello, i have been a tour guide in the kimberley for three years now, bugs and beetles being my favourite . this year i discovered a large (approx 20cm long) arthropod that resembles a praying mantis in shape but without those dangerous forearms. it was bright green with yellow stripes. it has two large wings that were red on the underneath. i have never seen anything like or even similar to to this creature. i would really like to know what it is. i have a photo that is of reasonable quality if yo can help. my next step otherwise will be to contact the ranger station at silent grove near where it was found. look forward to your reply. thanks
Sounds like a Giant Phasmid (Diapherodes gigantea, of the Phasmatodea). The females are larger with a thicker abdomen (often holding eggs that look like shiny seeds), while the males are smaller and paler in colour.
Hi John, thanks for your valuable opinion, I know you have a great deal of knowledge in this area. I have been in touch with Rob and he seems to think it was the golioth stick insect, (eurycnema golioth.) I will ask him to send in a photo. If you have any photos you would like to send to me, I would love to display them in this post.
Hi I was hopeing someone can please help me with this I have found a small flea like insect much larger then a flea it’s bright green doesn’t apear to have wings but it does have a large single antler/horn on the rear of the creature with two small black dots on either side at the base of the horn/antler when it is disterbed it posses up swaying from side to side then flicks its self roghtly about a foot into the air with two large rear legs. Iv lived in the outskirts of Broome my whole life and have neaver seen any thing like can some please help me and put a name to this misterious animal
Hi Edward,
Do you have a photo of it?