Blockade to save James Price Point stands strong
Thursday 16th June – Day 10 .. an incredible achievement of holding up some of the biggest oil and gas multinationals in the world for so long. To read more visit Save The Kimberley’s website.
Friday 17th June – John Butler joined the blockade on Thursday night, sleeping in a swag and singing for other campers. He said, it was important to preserve and protect the James Price Point site. “This region is so immaculate and pristine, it’s one of a kind in this world. I think to make an industrial precinct in this neck of the woods is just out of line and kind of grotesque.”
Thursday 23rd June – DAY 17!!! – The blockade preventing Woodside vehicles from entering country, still stands strong, such amazing evidence of community spirit! Something that money and greed will never destroy.
The Premier, Colin Barnett has told gas hub protesters to “move on”. He has the audacity to say, “Bear in mind, the Aboriginal people, the traditional owners of that land have voted strongly in support of the project”. Despite Aboriginal people having compulsory acquisition hanging over their head, it was a get something or get nothing deal. And the vote was not strongly in favour of the deal, but a close call in Mr. Barnett’s favour. Mr Barnett further stated, “My message to the protesters is you’ve made your point, please now move on and allow the lawful processes to go ahead.”
The anti-gas hub protesters have rejected the Premier’s call, saying they are in for the long-haul. A protester, Nic Wevers, says Mr Barnett is missing the point.
“Our primary objective is to ensure that the project doesn’t go ahead,” she said. “We’ll stay there until we’re assured that’ll happen.”