Bangarra Theatre


Be part of this International Movement and help make History


Disruption. Climate. Change.

disruption climate change posterThis Broome Event is courtesy of the people at, we have organised a free screening of a new climate change movie, ‘Disruption. Climate. Change.’

Screening at Lotteries House on Sunday 7th September at 7:00 pm.
The movie takes a journey through the world of climate change, highlighting the lack of an adequate global political response, and the rising tide of demands for a change.  It will be a great lead-in to the People’s Climate Mobilisation on September 21st.

Pechakucha Night

Pechakucha NightBroome’s very first Pecha Kucha Night will be held on the 28th of October at The Mangrove Hotel .. from 6.30-8.20pm.

You may be wondering: ‘What the heck is Pecha Kucha?”

Well it’s:
“A presentation style in which 20 slides are shown for 20 seconds each (6 minutes and 40 seconds in total).

The format, which keeps presentations concise and fast-paced, powers multiple-speaker events called PechaKucha Nights (PKNs).

PechaKucha Night was devised in February 2003 by Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham of Tokyo’s Klein-Dytham Architecture (KDa), as a way to attract people to SuperDeluxe, their experimental event space in Roppongi, and to allow young designers to meet, show their work, and exchange ideas.
In 2004, a few cities in Europe began holding PKNs, the first of several hundred cities that have since launched similar events around the world. As of May 2014, PechaKucha Nights were held in over 700 cities worldwide.”
Broome is the 771st city to hold Pecha Kucha Nights.

Current Speaker List is:

  1. Recycled Cycles – Smicko Boone
  2. Green Tree Room – Claire Bowman
  3. Julie Kean – KTI – education work in Samoa and East Timor
  4. Monica Hicks – Gueeka Interiors
  5. NBC Aboriginal Corporation – Allison Stout
  6. Mieke Boynton – KTI – photography
  7. Udla – Vanessa Margretts
  8. Stuart Brown – long distance running tactics and training
  9. Bruce Kenny – ACOR Engineering (TBC)
  10. Tilly Millican –The making of the Happy Broome Video(TBC)
  11. your name could be here!!
  12. your name could be here!!
  13. your name could be here!!
  14. your name could be here!!

Each Presentation is uploaded to the Pecha Kucha Website for global recognition!

Check others out here:

Look forward to seeing you there to watch or speak!!! Please pass on to anyone you think may be interested.