Broome protests over Woodside’s water extraction
Save Our Water – No Gas Hub
21st September, 2011 – At 6.00 am this morning a protector of country, has perched themselves atop an 8 metre bamboo pole, effectively blocking access to the drill pad’s road at the Woodside compound and has stopped woodside’s work today. A banner from the pole reads, “Save our water – No Gas Hub at Walmadan”.
Woodside wants to extract 35 million litres of water from the Broome Aquifer for testing. Goolarabooloo traditional owners and supporters have been camping inside Woodside’s compound, blocking the equipment from leaving the lay down area.
Merrill lists Browse LNG options for Woodside
20th September – Merrill lists Browse LNG options for Woodside. State and Federal Governments push to develop the hub at James Price Point in a “use it or lose it” law. Woodside’s LNG Gas Processing Hub in Karratha is running on reserve.