Broome Airport Noise
is it time for a rethink?
Nearly 4 years ago I posted information about the broome airport relocation and from a poll located on the page, it seems the residents of Broome, at the time, voted in favour of the airport staying where it is.
Perhaps a new lot of votes is needed?
With nearly 20 takeoffs and landings in the space of an hour, conversation becomes difficult at certain times of the day, with planes and helicopters starting at 5.45 a.m.
No longer are alarm clocks needed!
With Shell’s LNG Floating Platform (the largest offshore facility ever constructed), about to get in full swing, helicopter noise is about to be ramped up even more.
“Broome International Airport” and no international flights. The Economics and Industry Standing Committee is investigating regional airfares to assess the impact sky-high fares have had on business, tourism and relationships in WA’s regional centres..
Many people have visions of what could be done with the airport land that divides the town. My personal vision is to see an ecological plan for cafes, gardens, boutique shops, a cultural centre, places to sit, places for kids to play, market stalls .. close to cable beach and the resorts.
Anybody wishing to make a complaint or get information, can ring this number .. Airservices Australia Noise Complaints and Information Service Hotline: 1800 802 584.
I have personally rung this hotline number and the outcome suggested to me was that individuals affected by airport noise, fill in their online form, Click Here and have on hand times and dates of airport takeoff and landings. There are no regulations within Australian Law for operating hours but a curfew can be obtained, though only 4 airports in Australia have them .. Sydney, Essendon, Gold Coast and Adelaide. They informed me that they have been receiving many phone calls regarding Broome Airport.
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I think the circumstances have changed with the noise so the last poll maybe out of date?
Personally I find it spoils the living in Broome experience and sets a different level of business or vibration.
The sooner it is relocated the better.
The survey was made among passengers at the airport.Like trying to find vegetarians in a butcher shop.
Hi Jeff,
Not really sure what you mean by your comment. The survey collects votes from anyone.
Amanda, I think Jeff is referring to a survey conducted by the Airport Company about the relocation of their airport. Jeff is correct in that this survey was conducted in the passenger terminal (I recall being surveyed). He is not referring to the survey on this website.
The results of the survey Jeff is referring to has been used by the Airport Company as a justification for keeping the airport where it is, even to Government inquiries, when clearly it is not representative of Broome residents. By the airport’s own figures 90% of passengers do not reside here, so how can surveying them provide reliable stats on the views of people who live here?
The other justification for keeping the airport where it is by Airport management is that it is providing jobs. This is also false as these jobs would still be available if the airport relocated 10km out of town. In fact the relocation would provide a much needed boost to the Broome economy, particularly the struggling construction industry.
The increased heavy helicopter traffic in recent years has destroyed the amenity of Broome and is having a detrimental effect on the tourism industry, not to mention the health of it’s residents. It is time for the Airport company to act in good faith and begin the move to the new location, starting with the large helicopters. Upon purchasing the airport from the Shire in the early 90’s they have continually reassured the community that they will be moving soon. Time is up.
Hi Walter, thanks for your comment. I was unaware of the survey that the airport conducted, thanks for clarifying. I cant comment here as I try to remain impartial 🙂
This is what should happen. I dont live in Broome, however i am a regular visitor from April to September each year, and it has definitely got worse. I dont know how people in Broome can live with and accept this noise disturbance as a normal daily occurrence? Honestly, its extremely invasive!
An extensive relocation proposal was done around 1995 and a document published. Public document ES995308. It is all there and I can not foresee that the indigenous community and current land owners will not support this move. The Cape Leveque Road is getting sealed and the recent figures indicate tourism in Australia is heading towards more remote areas, with the Bungles identified as a popular destination. It is time to move this noisy airport and upgrade. It would also be a great benefit if a newer airport can accommodate bigger planes. We are trapped as consumers in Broome by expensive airfares and no direct flights. And consequently complaining friends and family that do not visit even though we keep telling them “one of the worlds last wonderful wild places”! Also a fringe benefit, if we can get our share of tourism to support the local economy would people not be reluctant to say yes to the ever looming threat of fracking! There is rumours that more offshore gas platforms like the Prelude are being built and on their way here. If true let Shell pay for some of the airport cost. They are one of the major users with no benefit to the town.