Massive explosions at James Price Point 17th September, 2011 – Waldaman Camp was woken this morning with massive explosives being used at Woodsides jack up rig operating in the inter-tidal zone within the national heritage listed area. Concerned and outraged community members have written to Minister for Environment, Tony Burke who recently announced the inclusion …

Palaeontologists from North America to examine dinosaur footprints 16th September – Two leading palaeontologists will be flown in from North America to examine the dinosaur footprints found at the site of the proposed Browse Basin gas hub near Broome. The ancient footprints run along part of the Dampier Peninsula and have been found on the …

Broome’s overnight millionaire Update 16th September, 2011 – An update to an earlier post regarding Broome’s overnight millionaire, it seems that the lucky winner was a woman, who almost threw away $1.235 million when she mistook her winning lottery ticket for a piece of rubbish and threw it in the recycling bin. The woman said …

14th September, 2011 – Tonight at Town Beach, hundreds gathered to watch the Carnival of Light choreographed to the voices of school choirs, as part of the “Shinju Festival”.  The lanterns took on a magical appearance as they reflected on the mudflats of Roebuck Bay, more famously known for the reflection of the moon, producing …

No Gas Campaign celebrates day 100 of the Manari Road Blockade 14th September, 2011 – Yawning, smiling faces were present this morning at the Manari Road Blockade to celebrate the 100th day of the blockade! It seems the people of Broome will not give up without a fight to protect James Price Point and the …

12th September 2011 – BROOME man a millionaire! A lucky punter has become an overnight millionaire after striking it lucky in last night’s Lotto Superdraw. They purchased their ticket from Broome Lottery Centre and is set to pocket $1.235 million. Free drinks at the Roey ha ha!

Former director of Kimberley Land Council turns tails 7th September – Ironically, last week the former Director of KLC (Kimberley Land Council), Wayne Bergmann who was the aboriginal champion of the gas hub, has changed his position and has called on Tony Burke, the Federal Environment Minister, to not approve the project. He states that …

Runners burnt in Kimberley Ultramarathon Saturday 3rd September – Excerpt from the Western Australian: A 24-year-old Broome man has spoken of his lucky escape in a freak fire which engulfed the Ultramarathon race yesterday. Two women are in a critical condition in Darwin Hospital with burns to 60 to 80 per cent of their bodies …

Heritage Listing for the Kimberley 1st September – Tony Burke, Minister for the Environment has announced the Heritage Listing for the Kimberley yesterday. Almost 20 million hectares of the West Kimberley will be heritage listed, but the area around the James Price Point gas processing hub has been excluded. The area to be placed on …

Marion Lester protests Woodside LNG Gas Hub in Broome 30th August, 2011 – A 58 year old Broome woman, Marion Lester, pleaded guilty yesterday to breaching a move on order, but Magistrate Colin Roberts said she had suffered enough by spending the weekend in custody and no conviction was recorded. The Broome Magistrates Court was …

Endeavour sails into Broome 30th August – The tall ship “Endeavour” sits majestically off Cable Beach and is in Broome till Thursday. An exact replica of Captain Cook’s ship MM Bark Endeavour down to the firewood in the potbelly stove which purports to be chopped from the tree growing at Captain Cook’s house in England. …

26th August, 2011 – At 2:00am this morning, a community roadblock stopped the progress of a large convoy of Woodside’s vehicles, including land-clearing and drilling machinery as they tried to return to James Price Point. Woodside are at present unable to move forwards nor backwards due to 4 lock ons. Two are on the Manari …

21st August, 2011 – Bike to Broome have arrived today at lunchtime after an epic non-stop around-the-clock tandem bike ride from Perth to Broome. The 2,400 km journey is about raising awareness and to oppose the building of the $30 billion gas hub at James Price Point, north of Broome. A picnic at Town Beach …

Wednesday 15th June – An interesting article I read on Bike To Broome. 21st August 2011 sees the beginning of “The Around-The-Clock Non-Stop Tandem Bike Ride From Perth To Broome” to save the habitat of the Whales And other sea creatures. Some 30,000 Humpback Whales are heading north along the Western Australian coast. These whales …

19th August – There has been much speculation regarding bushfires in the James Price Point area. It has been proposed that Woodside is worried about the existence of Bilby habitats in the James Price Point area? Woodside has withdrawn all their workers and equipment from the area and stopped work stating their concern for their …

8th August – BILBY’S FOUND AT JAMES PRICE POINT! – Today in a media release by Environs Kimberley, information regarding a Bilby population found in an area slated for bulldozing by Woodside Petroleum. Conservationists are calling on the Federal Environment Minister to intervene to stop the bulldozing of the site and undertake investigations into the …

7th August– Broome the next Dubai? Front page of the Australian this weekend, the dispute over Woodside Petroleum’s $35 billion James Price Point gas hub project is fueling the pending Federal Government decision to potentially declare West Kimberley, Australia’s biggest National Heritage Area and an environmental standoff reminiscent of Tasmania’s Franklin Dam Blockade is brewing …

The Horizontal Waterfalls are described by David Attenborough as “One of the Natural Wonders of the World”. Nicknamed the “Horries”, the Horizontal Waterfalls are one of the premiere tourist attractions of the Kimberley, attracting tens of thousand of visitors per year. The scenery on the way and when you arrive is simply spectacular, and shooting …

4th August – 3 videos from the blockade. The first is taken by Marine Scientist and fellow whale watchers. The video shows Police Boats harassing whales near James Price Point. Link   The Whale Watcher depicted in the next video, spoke of the above incident on ABC Radio. The following morning, she attended the Manari …

2nd August – Today, Environment Minister, Tony Burke toured the area where the proposed LNG Gas Processing Hub is to be located. He met with many key community members including Law Man, Phillip Roe who explained the importance of the Lurujarri Trail and Songline and how it was our duty to keep safe, guard, protect, …

Tony Burke, Environment Minister visited Broome Community at Bedford Park, to speak to them about the $30 billion LNG Gas Processing Hub that the State Government and Woodside hope to build at James Price Point, 40km north of Broome. Anti gas hub community members are hoping Minister Burke will make the Kimberley a world heritage …

Broome Gas Hub Protestor locks on 1st August – A 41 year old broome man has been arrested after locking himself to a vehicle and is charged with obstructing Police. Police eventually freed the man after 6 hours by removing the axle. Shaun Clark, a fellow protester, recently resigned from his job as a ranger …

28th July – The State Opposition says it is a conflict of interest to have two former Woodside executives working in Premier Colin Barnett’s office. Read more .. 29th July – Kimberley Web Design’s retrospective of the No Gas at James Price Point .. 30th July – Tony Burke, Federal Environment and Communities Minister, is …

28th July 2012 – Broome welcomes home, the world’s biggest pearl. It took 6 years of touring the world to qualify its claim, measuring 22 millimeters and weighing 156 grams. It has all the virtues of the perfect pearl with luster, surface size, shape, colour and no blemishes. While Cygnet Bay Pearl Farm has been …

28th July, 2011 – Last week a school teacher from Perth, who visits Broome every year, captured this amazing photo of a humpback whale breaching and then crashing back into the water just 5 metres from their fishing boat. “It was amazing,” Ms Moloney said. “We just couldn’t breathe properly afterwards. It was absolutely mind-blowing …

23rd July To date, more than 100,000 hectares has been burnt. Smaller fires had yesterday formed an 18km front about 20km north of Broome. Volunteer fire and rescue services have been back-burning at the site and aerial back-burning is also underway in a bid to stop the fire spreading further.

19th July – it seems that the world is very interested in a dog that was herding up some sharks in the shallow waters up the coast from Broome, at One Arm Point. Here is the link for those of you who missed it.

17th July – Today the people of Broome turned Woodside into Woodstock! Over 5,000 people gathered on Cable Beach to listen to the music of The Pigram Brothers, the Kuckles, Scrap Metal and host of other talented broome musicians. Rob Hirst from Midnight Oil flew in to support the protection of James Price Point. The …